Careers in Theatre

The School of the Performing Arts has designated a special priority on career exploration and workforce training programs to meet the need for skilled artists, technical crews and administrators in the creative and performing arts in the Capital Region. Our programs provide a host of opportunities for young people, college students and young professionals to get hands-on experience in thriving professional theatres. We often say “that for every one performer on-stage, there are dozens of artists off-stage, supporting this work.” This village of creatives: designers, engineers, builders and technicians, earn a living at the cutting edge of art, design, performance and technology. This is where Proctors, theREP and UPH endeavor to make networking connections for aspiring students of the creative fields.

Check out the following programs available for career exploration, including hands-on training opportunities throughout the year:

For more information, including a full database of careers in the performing arts, descriptions, skills, and industry insights visit

Broadway Camp Production students hang lights on the MainStage for Les Miserables at Proctors Friday, July 26, 2019.